Despite the European origin of the equipment we supply, our installation works are performed by Russian-speaking staff.
One of the most important stages of a plant creation is its installation, commission and start-up with a number of factors influencing the assembly time: installation supervisors qualification, foundations readiness, qualifications and quality of local specialists and amount of work they perform, as well as lifting machinery, electrical power, water and other necessary resources availability on construction site.
Our specialists at SORB are highly qualified and experienced to complete installation and commissioning of equipment within a short timeframe. Yet this requires that the customer adheres to installation specifications strictly. All our employees have received special training and internship at manufacturing companies (CPM, Hekotek) for independent commissioning of plants and production lines.
As a rule, we offer our customers installation supervision only, while our customers perform mechanical and electrical installation works with assistance of local installation contractors. Such an approach significantly brings the costs down which is essential for a construction budget as a whole.